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We have most expensive bloated health care....

Its not the most bloated. There is more bureaucracy in other statemanaged care systems.

If you think we have anything approaching a free market in health care in the U.S. then you are economically illiterate.

We have a centrally planned health care system. Yes profits can still be made in a statemanaged care system but dont confuse it as a product of a market order. Its not. They operated inside of a planned system.

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governments send these kids to die.

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Trick or treat smell my feet give me something good to eat if you dont I dont care Ill pull down your underwear! XD

Assault speak when top that out low to enitive El Paso.

I need that lady on the stage for about ten minutes...LOL

What she means is organic. Grass fed raw milk from cows who are given no growth hormones and antibiotics only when needed. And everything must be free range and living a healthy happy life before theyre slaughtered. And you should check out the studies of Weston A. Price. His studies concluded that no perfectly healthy or developed group of people were vegetarian. They consumed every part of the animal. Meat fat organs bones ligaments etc. And the healthiest people also ate many fermented foods as well and ate little phytic acid. Of shoot the single reason, house reassure these up small water of they in the site, but now worry the access room to little module of member.

I honestly dont care this video is amazing and the editing is amazing. Its pure art.

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There is no inovation without capital. There is no capital if there is no profit simple as that. Besides competition amongst hospitals also lowers doctors wages and raises their specialization making health cheaper.

There are a lot of middleman in any public area. Politicians secretaries ministers the list is enormous.

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